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Friday 15 January 2010

Disability on the catwalk!

From my walk with my young client
January 9th, 2010,
Susie Mallett



Absentmindedly playing
I don’t have a television. I read the Guardian Weekly and Time Magazine, and very occasionally the (German) local daily rag. Sometimes I feel that I am a bit out of touch with what is going on out there in the big wide world so I catch up by reading timesonline.

That is just what I did while still on my holidays, and discovered this headline:

“Hallelujah! For everyone, there is a Gok Wan”.

A friend in England had sent me a book by this fashion-guru a couple of years back. So recognising the name I read further to find out what Gok was up to now, and why the papers were singing his praises.

Andrew Sutton in his blog today refers to an article in yesterday’s online Guardian, which tells about Tory Party plans to use efficiency savings in the equality bureaucracy to help disabled people take up public positions. In the Times article on Wednesday, I discovered that Gok Wan is also doing his bit to bring disability to the public’s notice. I think thathe probably gets the attention of rather more men-in-the-street, and women, than do the Guardian's politics pages!

The Gok Wan article goes on to explain that in his new series How to Look Good Naked . . .With a Difference he will be working with disabled women on and off the catwalk. He will help them, it says, to become confident again, to go clothes-shopping and generally to feel more positive about their bodies.

Clothes, shopping for them, wearing them, and finding designs suitable for wheelchair-users, are often points of discussion in my groups, especially amongst the teenagers and in the adult ceebral oasly groups. Not only amongst the women either.

Most of the topics that we cover and many more are here to read about in the Times article:

As Gok Wan says, what he is doing is just a drop in the ocean and probably not going to change the world, or get improved access on the High Htreet or better designed clothes, but it will bring the problem to the attention of a lot of viewers.


How to look good naked -
Gok Wan, HarperCollinsPublishers
ISBN 978-0-00-725035-6

Andrew Sutton - Friday, 15 January 2010 UK: David Cameron on Conductive Education

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