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Wednesday 6 January 2010


A coffee table full of bric-a-brac with personal meaning

Not everyone has a coffee table like mine

I have just read

Not surprisingly I am one of those individuals that Andrew mentions in this posting, with my own collection of bric-a-brac with personal meaning. Included in this, I have quite a lot of memorablia from Budapest!
I also have a wonderful coffee table, I have posted photographs of it here on the blog before. It is the place where my train makes its daily runs and it is underneath the track that the bric-a-brac has its home.

There you can spot all kinds of treasures, too many to name them all. There are some of those boot badges, some pens, some Socialistic money, Russian watches and old postcards.

Best of all there is my 'little black book', my Oklevel!

There is even a Brummie cab and an AA badge in the Budapest compartment! Now how did they get there?

Coppers and cabs

A group of taxi drivers and policemen from Brum did a sponsored drive from what was then the Birmingham Institute to the PAI in Budapest. I was working in the adults' department at the PAI at the time and we were all leaning out of the window when the convoy arrived. We were given handfuls of those lovely little boot badges, AA badges and black cabs to hand out to the clients and children.
Could Andrew's ebay-seller possibly be one of those cab-drivers or coppers?


Adelaide Dupont said...

It would be interesting if he were.

I personally like the Peto Institute pen and the Christmas decoration-type people.

James Forliti - Blue's Dad. said...

What a great subject, really. I do have one really important piece. In September of 2000, when I heard there was one conductor living B.C., I drove the 5 hours so she could meet my son. Gyongyi Schweigert asked her daughter to go to the chicken coop in her backyard and bring back a feather. She used this feather with Blue in that first-ever visit with the conductor. I still have that feather, stored in its own small tin can with a plastic lid. The chicken, I am sure, has long since become a lunch or dinner; but that one feather is my bric-a-brac.