My visitors today

Thursday 10 February 2011

Designer clothes off the peg

Aliens, space projects and conducting, it is so easy to fit them all together

Slowly, but surely, my book is reaching all corners of the world, and people are beginning to read it!
From Ireland, England (north and south), from Germany and New Zealand, I have been receiving readers comments, and now that at last the post has got across the Atlantic, maybe they will come in from the Americas too.

The last-but-one message coming in from the UK went a bit like this:

Not managed time to read the entire book but luckily spotted the bit about aliens as we are doing a project on space at the moment. The children loved the book about aliens with underpants that you mention in your stories, a book that was unknown to me until now. We cannot wait for next week’s space lesson when we will paint our own underpants.

Next week’s lesson came and went and it looks like it was a success. The next message came in enclosing the photograph shown above. That picture says it all.
Petö Pants

As I said in the blurb on my book, I write my blog, and now my books, for many reasons. One of them is that I hope people learn from them and perhaps copy. Here is a good example of what I meant. I like to imagine that soon conductors, parents and clients will be doing the Painting-Petö-Pants-Project all over the world!

I look forward to hearing more from the readers of my book so that I can use any critical remarks while designing the next one and publish any more photographs of the action here.


Aliens love Underpants -

1 comment:

Laszlo said...

Yes, we have had a real fun. Sorry, the only reason I did not send a photo with the children on is the ethical reason.
Anyway, we learnt through lived experience how to make design, what is the process form planning to creating the imagined goods alongside learning/developing of gross and fine motor skills.