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Sunday 23 January 2011

Oh, for a list like this

Dried edible things at Tai O

New Zealand again

How many Education Ministries have a list, like this one, that includes conductors?

The Ministry of Education's list of approved specialists for students in the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme includes:
occupational therapist
speech language therapist
educational psychologist
Māori/cultural adviser
conductor in conductive education programme
orientation and mobility instructor
special education advisor
teacher with additional tertiary qualifications in learning, vision or hearing
music therapist (registered)
adviser on deaf children.

1 comment:

Andrew Sutton said...

The implied answer to your question is 'None'.

It would help in assessing the significance of this if I could speak Kiwi, and therefore understood what is an Ongoing Resourcing Scheme.

Oh yes (a problem not just for Kiwi-speakers), what does 'student' mean. I came across some two-year- old such the other day, here in the UK.

Still, it's nice to know that the NZ ministry cares, wahtever this is all about. Few others do.