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Sunday 16 January 2011

I found a piece of furniture

" Do-it-yourself "
Hardware shop, Hong Kong, December 2010


I was just about to post a story about a family with whom I have been talking to this week, by email. At the very moment that I was opening up my blog I received a Google Alert, sending me off to look at this:

The latest posting here “Hailey, I believe in you”, tells a lot of the story that I was about to relate.

There is not much left for me to say now really, except a little bit about a photograph that I was sent in an email at the beginning of the week. The accompanying letter had said:

“ I found this piece of furniture, do you think I can use it to help my grand-daughter to stand up or to walk.”

I replied:

"Why don’t you give it a go, and at the same time remove the straps from her chair and see if she can sit on the same chair holding on to your piece of furniture".

It seems to work!

That is the very same piece of furniture in the photograph on the blog posting in the link above, and the very same grand-daughter.

What a lovely surprise and what a brave and brilliant Grandma and a really proud Hailey, who is sitting alone for the very first time!

Just one question

Whatever is that piece of furniture? Is it a towel rail? Whatever it is, it did the trick.

A couple of years ago I listened to a conference presentation about the importance of the plinth. Afterwards I felt that I wanted to make sure that the audience understood that what has become known as "CE" or "Petö furniture" is just a means of facilitation that conductors use in group and individual sessions, when appropriate, and that maybe in our own homes we have something else to facilitate the activity that we want to achieve.

We do not always need to go off and buy "Petö furniture" if we can utilise what we already have for the purpose required.

This family certainly seem to have got the knack of adapting what they find and giving it a go.

I wonder whether the next photograph will show Hailey rocking her baby-doll to sleep in a hammock swung between those bars!

Congratulations Hailey.


Janet "Grammy" Harrold said...

Yes, Susie I definitely will send you a picture of Hailey rocking her baby. It is because of your encouragement that I even attempted this risky idea. Thank you for being so forthcoming with great ideas.

Susie Mallett said...

Hello Janet,

Just wanted to say to you please do not do anything that you think is risky.

I think that what you mean here is that the idea seems really risky when you are just thinking about it, but in the actual doing of it you probably did not feel like you were doing anything risky at all.

Please make sure that you and Hailey always feel confident, safe and happy with whatever you are doing. Whether it is sitting on a chair reading, or rocking baby-doll, standing up or walking, make sure that you both feel really secure. Create a lovely learning situation that is not risky in anyway.

I look forward to the next pictures of Hailey at play.


Janet "Grammy" Harrold said...

What I meant by risky is that I never realized that given her weak her core strength, I was abit nervous about attempting this without straps, you have always reiterated that whatever we do make sure that she is safe. I have decided the only way to do this right now is to make sure there are two of us while we attempt this, and I have to tell you, that today her mother and i read to her for a good 20-30 minutes while she sat on the chair holding on to that towel thingy whatever it is. She was a bit wobbly at first but was so interested in the book that time flew by and her mother was behind her and i was in front of her the entire time. So yes, Ii meant the idea was risky for me. I would never do anything that I thought to be risky for Hailey.

Andrew said...

Janet and Susie, your correspondence is beginning to sound like it comes from 'Dina'!

By the way, I have taken a liberty featured it on my Facebook page:


Susie Mallett said...

Janet, I wish I could be there watching you three at work!

Please keep on asking all those questions.

Andrew, now that would be something, sounding like something from Dina.

Getting there at last, perhaps. I hope so.


Anne said...

Sounds lovely to me. Keep going and keep the learning happening.

Janet "Grammy" Harrold said...

so haven't read "Dina" as of yet. I really can only guess what these comments from Andrew and Susie mean.I hope they are great comments,Is the book of Dina a positive story?

Susie Mallett said...

Yes Janet, do not worry the comments are positive and so is the book! When you get round to reading it you will know what we mean.

Dina is the book I recommended to you a couple of weeks ago. It is a story about guiding a family to bring up their child conductively, originally written in German.

I just found a copy in Engish avaialble on Abebooks. Amazon may have it too.

Dina: A Mother Practises Conductive Education (Peto System)
(ISBN: 0951550772 / 0-9515507-7-2 )
Karoly Akos

I think it is also still available from the library at The National Institute for Conductive Education.
