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Friday 24 June 2011

St. Johannis

"24th June 2008"

It is Midsummer-Day today, St. John’s Day

I live in the district called St. Johannis where a street festival is held each year on the weekend nearest to St. Johannis Day, St John’s. This year it began yesterday, a bank holiday here in Germany, a time when many people make a long weekend of it by taking a holiday on Friday. I only have half the day off today, I am about to get on my bike and cycle to work, but perhaps, after a visit to the Hat Museum this afternoon and dinner in the corner café this evening, I will take another look at the festival.

I cycled past it on Thursday and watched a bit of the children’s bungy-jumping action and saw that there is, as always, selling Langos, and also, as always, there was a long queue!


As well as being St. John’s day, today is also Take-your-dog-to-work-day in England, Féte nationale du Quebec in Canada and Discovery Day.

Yesterday was Fronleichnam, Corpus Christi, it is a catholic holiday which means it is not a national holiday, only about half the counties of Germany celebrate this day. Here in Bavaria it is the last of many Bank Holidays that occur in the weeks around the Easter Festival so as I get my coffee made and biking clothes on the streets below are very quiet.

St. Johannis -


Jenny said...

and also your birthday and mine x x

Susie Mallett said...

Hope you had a Happy Birthday Big Sis!