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Thursday 30 September 2010

Blogging on a bike

Landscape by Susie Mallett
September 2010

Conversing with nature again

I was cycling home in the lovely evening sun, watching geese flying in formation, crows landing on newly ploughed fields, and smelling the freshly picked garlic that gives the area between home and work its name: "Knoblachsland", Garlic-land.

Catching whizzing words

I have recently learnt how I can catch the thoughts that pop up between my observatons of nature while cycling. I also now know how to keep the thoughts safe until I get a chance to write them down.

I love having this new-found skill. Over the years that I have been cycling, fifty or more, so many thoughts have whizzed into my head and whizzed out again. All lost for ever because they were travelling much too fast to be caught on my bike without a notebook.

I have improved this skill of catching thoughts yet some more since I have been blogging and that is why it is on my bike that many draft postings are written.

I actually drafted one today. I started it on the way in, getting on quite well with it until I was interrupted by some lovely red rose-hips that I just had to stop to pick as material for the next crafty project. The rest I drafted on the way home.

By the time I got home it was dark, by the time I had run a bath it was late, and by the time I had dried by hair it was time to go to sleep.

It is even later now with all thoughts of posting bike-written blogging gone, but I will still put up the latest news about the conference that is taking place in Würzburg next month and then may even take a peek at what more has been written on the blogosphere about Mária Hári, if anything.


I received an invitation from the German Conductor Association telling me that it is giving its members a special discount if they attend for both days. As I mentioned in my first postings about this conference, I, and I expect many conductors, have to work until 17.00 each Friday so I will not be able to take up the special offer. I will race to Würzburg on the ICE train on Saturday morning.

The invitation that I received is for the seventh congress that has been organised by the German Conductor Association with a series of different partners. This year the Association's partners are the Verein Fortschritt Würzburg e.V, that is celebrating its fifteenth anniversary, and the conductive centre of the Institute for the Blind that is celebrating its tenth anniversary.

The organisers are happy to include in the programme scientists from the area of clinical research and from rehabilitation. Through the presentations, workshops and discussions it is hoped that a connection can be found between the results of current research projects and their effects on modern therapy and the work of András Petö, and the practise of conductive pedagogy.

The full programme is published here:
A translation of the first programme I received can be found on my blog:

I began this posting yesterday evening but fell asleep before I had finished it!

In the early hours of this morning I received more information about the congress from Wolfgang Vogt.

Bitte um Unterstützung
Würzburg ist eine Reise wert

Liebe Freunde,

unser Kongress naht - mit Spannung. Ich freue mich, dass es gelungen ist, genau diese Referenten zu gewinnen um das tolle Programm auf die Beine zu stellen. Wir wollen die Förderung für Menschen mit Hirnschädigungen weiter vornan bringen. Diese Menschen haben ein so großes Potenzial, welches leider viel zu häufig brach liegt. Man traut ihnen einfach zu wenig zu. Oft mit fatalen Folgen - für die ganze Familie.

Wir wollen auf dem Kongress gemeinsam schauen, wie die vorhandenen Instrumentarien, Erkenntnisse, Studien und Erfahrungen besser genutzt werden können. Und mit neuem Wissen verknüpft, zu höherer Effizienz und größerem Nutzen führen.

Na gut, bevor ich weiter in meinem Lieblingsthema aushole: Es wäre toll wenn Ihr helft und die Information über den Kongress an möglichst viele Menschen versendet und sie bitten könntet, die eMail wiederum weiterzusenden. Auch wenn diese nicht betroffen sind. Ich habe gelernt, dass jeder irgendwie jemanden kennt. Ob Betroffene, Familien oder Fachleute. Kommt also gern selbst und/oder gebt die Bitte weiter.

Wir brauchen Öffentlichkeit und Unterstützung. Jeder einzelne Mensch ist wichtig und hat seine ihm eigene Bedeutung. Unsere Victoria ist meine Motivation aufzuzeigen, was möglich ist. Auf ganz normalen Wegen, gesunden Menschenverstand, Hoffnung, Zuversicht. Ich höre nicht auf zu helfen, die Welt ein bischen zu verbessern. Utopie? Wie sagte Erich Kästner: "Es gibt nichts Gutes, ausser man tut es." Egal wie klein oder groß.

Ich danke und grüße Euch -

Please support us
Würzburg is worth a journey

Dear Friends

Our congress nears with anticipation.I am pleased that I have been able to attract the presenters that we have and produce such a good programme.

We want to bring the rehabilitation/habilitation of people who have suffered brain injury another step forwards. These people have a huge potential which unfortunately often lies untapped. There is just too little belief in them and their abilities. Often with fatal results for them and their families.

At our congress we wish to join together to look at how all previous knowledge, studies and experiences in the field can be put to better use, how it can be linked with new discoveries and lead to a higher level of efficiency and better understanding.

OK, before I get too enveloped in to my favourite subject, it would be a great help if you could pass on the information about the congress to as many people as possible and ask them to send the information on to others. it does not matter if the poeple are not directly invloved with disability. I have learnt that everyone knows someone somewhere with a disability. Disabled, families or professionals, please come yourselves or send on the inforamtion to others.

We need publicity and support. Every single person is important and has their own values. Our Viktoria is my motivation to demonstrate what is possible to achieve along an everyday path, with a healthy, human understanding, hope and expectation. I will not stop trying to help, or trying to make the world just a little bit better place.Utopia? As Erich Kästner said:" There is nothing good, apart from man doing it." No matter how big or how small.

I thank you and send best wishes,


I will only be able to attend on the Saturday. I will miss hearing what some of the guests that Wolfgang is so pleased to have attending say, but I hope that there will be abstracts available or their complete presentaions will be published online so that I will be able to catch up later.


Knoblauchsland -

Wolfgang Vogt -
Vorsitzender FortSchritt Würzburg e.V.
Vorsitzender Bundesverband FortSchritt e.V.
Hilfe für hirn- und nervengeschädigte Kinder und Erwachsene

Würzburg congress -

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