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Wednesday 8 September 2010

Autumn begins to chill the air……

"Reading AP"
September 2010

…it is that time of year again.

Congress time.

Munich October 2008
Nürnberg November 2009

Würzburg 2010

Bavaria seems still to be the hub of all things conductive in Germany, and Konduktive Förderung is beginning to get noticed one again. Three congresses in Bavaria in as many years.

I have just received an email, not only inviting me to register for this autumn‘s congress in Würzburg, but also informing me that this centre for conductive education, a centre that I know very well through my work there, has been awarded a prize for its social services to the community. The recognition that comes with this prize is enjoyed by as all, well done.

This year‘s congress:

Kongress 12. und 13.November 2010
Tagungszentrum der Stadt Würzburg auf der Marienfestung

Titel: Forschung und Förderung für Kinder und Erwachsene mit Cerebralparese, MS, Schlaganfall, Parkinson und anderen neurologischen Dysfunktionen

Hirnschädigung aus medizinischer und pädagogisch/therapeutischer Sicht. Wie sollte eine Umsetzung aller Erkenntnisse in das tägliche Leben aussehen, um eine eigenaktive Teilhabe am Leben zu erreichen?

Eingeladen sind Mediziner, Pädagogen, Therapeuten, Pflegekräfte, Eltern, Betroffene, Politiker, Behörden, Einrichtungen, Organisationen und alle interessierten Personen
Schirmherrin: Präsidentin des Bayerischen Landtages Barbara Stamm

Congress at the day centre of the sity of Würzburg on the Marienfestung

Title : Research and development for children and adults with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, parkinson’s and other neurological dysfuntions.

Brain damage seen from a medical and therapeutical view point. How should the transfer of knowledge take place into everyday life, so an independently active lifestyle can be achieved?

We have invited people from the fields of medicine, education, therapy, care, social work, disability, politics, institutes, organisations and parents.

Patron: President of the Bavarian Local Government, Barbara Stamm

I have the programme for the Congress, I will translate and post it here as soon as I can.

It is interesting, and at the same time disappointing, to note that the programme begins on the Friday morning when I suspect most conductors will be working. My work on Fridays finishes at 6pm so I will be rushing off on the ICE train early on the Saturday morning to catch what I can of the second half of the programme. Hopefully what I missed on Friday will be published on the internet!

I suspect there will be enough people who do not have to work on the Friday who will fill all the seats on the first day, but I am a bit disappointed that I will only have the chance to enjoy the second day of the congress, especially as it is taking place more or less on the doorstep.

More information coming soon!

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