Happy travellers enjoying the winter sunshineSorry folks I just had to use this one, we all look so jolly!
Sunday shoppers at Causeway Bay
How the world looks from the Botanical Gardens
Playing Go in Stanley
Not the Great Wall, but still a spectactular view
The hustle and bustle of buses and signs
Forty-winks on Saturday
Hong Kong from above
Peace and quiet with a heron
I spotted him while looking upwards to the glass towers of Hong Kong
Lamp cleaners in the Botanical Gardens
Pond dipping in the Botanical Gardens
Stanley Bay
Sunday-shoppers and warm drizzle, Causeway bay
Night-life from a tram
Fishing boats
Stanley Market
A surprise meeting, after eighteen years, with fellow Foundation for Conductive Education Conductor, Shona.
Now in Western Australia
A street cleaner
A view towards the South China Sea
One of the highlights
A much looked forward to reunion with my "Best Budapest Buddy" Norwich 1989 and 1990, Budapest 1989-1991, Hong Kong 2010!
Some of the things that I enjoyed mostWith the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong long left behind me I have returned to a different hustle and bustle. Slower but just as busy. I am back at work and sadly have no time to write, but I have time enough to post a few photosgraphs of my travels.
Just a few pictures that I hope will illustrate the diversitiy of Hong Kong Island and its people.
On Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day I hope that I will have all the time in the world to post a few words to go with the pictures.
You traveling for the CE congress are not surprise…
Seeing Janos there is quite shocking. I thought he quit CE 10 years ago.
You both look great and refreshing!
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family.
Jerzy Maslanka
Thank you so much Jerzy for writing here.
It really was a lovely moment to meet János again, we were as happy as we look on the photograph. We had a lot of fun times together many years ago so we had many memories to share. It was János with his father who showed me how to ride on a sledge!! I was all of 33 years old but never to old to learn!
I learnt a lot from your two wonderful children too. I congratulate them both on their successful lives and look forward to reading more news about them in the future.
Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year
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