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Sunday 19 December 2010

Re: Te jó öreg tengeri medve. That's me

Andrew Sutton in Hong Kong

Now I am not sure which one is the medve.

Over on Andrew Sutton's blog he mentions that Franz Schaffhauser described him as a tengeri medve:

With Andrew's permission above are two pictures of that medve.One taken during the plenary presentation and the other during the podium discussion.

I must point out that in the pictures that I have of the twelve people who took part in the last two podium discussions not one of them looks any happier than Andrew does. Perhaps they were all despairing about the future of the conductive world, maybe they were just deep in thought.

Unfortunately I do not have permission from any of the other speakers to publish their pictures here.


Andrew said...

Gee, thanks.

Perhaps I should add that the top photo was taken on Day 1 of the Congress, the lower one at its close on Day 2.


Andrew said...

PS You wrote: 'Unfortunately I do not have permission from any of the other speakers to publish their pictures here.'

Actually, this is photo-reportage... and they are all adults.

You do not need their permission.

As of course you did not need mine.
