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Monday 26 July 2010

Weather report

"Making waves" by Susie Mallett
July 23rd, 2010

What a different a spot of rain makes

I dodged the rain clouds on the bike this morning and also on the way home this afternoon. I only got a soaking when I walked around to the shops later.

Last week it was between thirty and thirty-five degrees, people were dropping like flies, including me! We were trying our very best to make the most out of conduction, mainly by hanging our feet in buckets of water, stroking our arms and legs with cooling flannels from the freezer and now and then we took the opportunity to jump into the swimming pool. Those are very distant hot memories in the coolness of today.

Today both my client and I were sneezing. With a drop in temperature of almost twenty degrees it is hardly surprising. As I sit and write I am wrapped up in a blanket and with the distant rumblings not a good sign that it will be getting any warmer over night, it will be a chilly ride again tomorrow.

Usually when the temperature drops to fifteen degrees the heating is switched on, but not in July!

I will look out my long cycling trousers for tomorrow just incase. When it is warm enough I prefer to cycle in shorts even in the rain, I get wet legs and have just a waterproof jacket on top. But when it is as cold as fifteen degrees the muscles don't like it so I will have to wrap up a bit!

I look forward to the heat for just a little bit longer, the last winter was just too long.

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