We all have angels in our Seele!
Of course we do. I think that is what I have been saying for ages!
After reading Andrew Sutton’s posting about Petö and his angels I immediately did two things. I looked out the photo that I have of the plaque in Balassi Bálint u. with its angel and I stuffed my copy of the Unfug in my bag to read on the tram , as I knew I had read something in there about angels, then off I went with my treasure chest to work!
All day at work there were more angels tugging at my memory bank and I have just discovered the one that will be action number three. I called on a Hungarian to help as I hadn’t believed in my own translation, but I was right: I had found the words again referring to the angel inside us.
Three actions and three results
The result of the first of my early morning activities is at the top of this posting, the photo of the angel in Balassi Bálint u. that I took on my visit to Budapest last year.
This is what Bärnklau wrote:
If an illness comes into the realms of God’s influence, the Ens Dei of Paracelus, we enter the area of mercy, grace and favour and of healing through belief and prayer. The saints of the holy sites of pilgrimage, such as Lourdes, belong to this category as do theologists who believe in and speak about the work of the angels, together with that of the saints, in their sermons. Many people pray for the healing properties of these angels and saints.
He continued with references to the equivalent in eastern religions, in Indian belief, the Karma, the fate that man prepares for himself, how man can train his soul, his inner self, through Yoga and moral changes throughout the wheel of each successive life, and how he should be able to avoid or heal, by implementing these methods, the inevitable, pre-destined illnesses.
Now on to action number three. I was sitting here at my desk so tired that I was wondering if I should go to bed, and I had one of my “eureka” moments. I remembered where I had read about Petö and angels. I knew that I had read almost the exact words that Andrew used in his posting, “We all have an angel inside us”.
I rummaged around for another article that I have, thinking “It was not only Németh Ándor who was acutely depressed and who met Petö, I have a reference to someone else somewhere”. I dug out an article that Gill Maguire had given me in the library at NICE and I found a story that is almost identical, so either someone somewhere got the name wrong or someone told the story twice with different names. Who knows, it isn’t really that important here.
I have the paper in my hand. It is written by Popper Péter, a Hungarian psychologist who is very popular in his homeland. His books are to be found on the bookstalls in Moszkva Tér today (they were there on Saturday when I looked).
This article is called Buddha Budapesten ( Buddha in Budapest) and it is an account by Popper Péter of his encounters with Dr András Petö, some of which comprises the interview in Forrai Judit's book Memoirs of the Beginnings of Conductive Pedagogy and András Petö.
So there it was almost exactly the words of Márgit Balogh, librarian at the Mária Hári Memorial Library, as reported in Andrew’s blog, but that was not all. This was not what I had remembered in my eureka moment. Where was the story about the depressed patient? I continued reading the aticle and translating, with a little help from some Magyars, and in the next paragraphs I found this:
The news got around that Márai Sándor was depressed, he was being treated by Dr Kun Miklós with little success so Petö, who didn’t know Mária Sándor, was summoned. Mária was lying in a darkened room , groaning, as Petö stopped by his door and said in a firm voice
Sándor replied “When God sends an angel to me then I will get up.”
To which the bold, fat Petö, with his hernia and banging his chest, retorted so loudly that the walls shook, “Here is the angel".
Seele – soul
Unfug - Unfug der Krankheit-Triumph der Heilkunst, Dr.Med. Karl Otto Bärnklau, (Dr András Petö) Karl Schustek Verlag, Main, Hanau
Ens Dei of Paracelus - this is the fifth cause of illness in man according to Paracelsus, God-given health and illness, the other four being astral (influenced by astrology), poison, bodily and spiritual.
Ens/entien – cause/ reason for the illness
Popper Péter
Márai Sándor- 1890-1989
NICE - National Institute for Conductive Education
Forrai Judit's book Memoirs of the Beginnings of Conductive Pedagogy and András Petö.
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