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Friday 11 March 2011

It's International Brainweek!

"Sherringham Park"
February 2011


This was brought to my notice by the director of the association that I currently do quite a lot of work for. She emailed me to show me some wonderful paintings that are in the Brainweek website‘s gallery:

It is my wish to present an exhibition of my clients work at the Association‘s summer festival this year and it was lovely to see how the pictures on this site have been presented. It has spurred me on to get on with my project.

After I had picked my way slowly through the gallery I set off to discover what else is on offer during this week of the brain.

I have picked out two items from the programme that fit in with my work commitments. Both are tomorrow.

I would like first to visit the Nürnberg‘s southern branch of the city’s hospital, Klinikum Süd, to attend Pecha Kucha. This is described as a “relaxed, short-presentation marathon on practical themes about the human brain. Professionals from the neurology, psychosomatic, psychiatry, and neuro-surgery departments will speak. The Japanese Pecha Kucha means 20 pictures x 20 seconds, so each presentation will be exactly six minutes and forty seconds long!”

This programme will be followed by discussion and the opportunity to take part in activities supplied by the museum Tower of the Senses museum".

After this is over I hope to make a quick dash across the town to one of the older cinemas, Casablanca, where there will be a double bill plus the opportunity after the films to discuss their content with doctors from the neurology department of the Nürnberg hospitals.

I hope that I can reserve a ticket for the cinema in the morning I forgot to do it this week.

More tomorrow, or on Sunday, about this weekend’s bits-in-between for conductors! Last weekend I spent thinking about AP I wonder what will be in my thoughts tomorrow.


My sister has actually been in my thoughts most of the time this week because when she was out at Blickling Hall in Norfolk on Monday, walking the dog, a tree root jumped out at her and tripped her up. She has now got two black eyes, a grazed nose and two broken arms. She is already looking better than she was on Monday night but I would rather be there helping her at the moment than taking part in Brainweek. My eighty-four year old dad has volunteered to look after her instead and of course she has a wonderful husband.

When things like this happen it makes me realize how precious every second of our lives are and how quickly our health and freedom of movement can be taken away from us. Sis is lucky, she will be free from plasters in time to hunt for her Easter eggs, but when something like this happens it does make me think about how it only takes a split second to bring about a huge change in a life, even if just for a few weeks as it hopefully is with my sister.



Take a look at this story, hopefully it translates OK, written by the President of the charity that is sponsoring BrainWEEK ­-

1 comment:

Susie Mallett said...


Unfortunately I may not be able to report back as I had hoped because there are no tickets left for the cinema's double bill and discussion. I will go along anyway this evening and check for ticket returns.