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Wednesday 1 April 2009

Returning from the Conductive Camp

English landscape by Susie Mallett, January 2009

I have been following an excellent blog throughout February and into March, written by a Mum in Canada attending a Conductive Education camp with her daughter for their very first taste of Conductive Education.

I could feel the joy that this Mum describes from their learning together by reading her postings, and see it in the child’s face as she worked in the group with other children.

There is a lot to learn from the several weeks of experiences reported here:

Back to 'reality'

On March 28th the story is very different.

Instead of experiencing the great successes in her development that she experienced every day at camp the child is now experiencing disappointment at failing at school.

Her return to her old routine is difficult for her, she will need time to integrate her new skills into her daily life.

Her mother, it seems, is almost tearing her hair out in frustration. She has left an environment where she was understood, where she had endless support from professionals and other parents, a place where she, conductors and other parents were all working together in an environment inspiring success, with high aims and amazing achievements.

The family have returned home determined that the success that their daughter achieved continues to grow, but they are thwarted by obstacles at school:

This is one of the best reports I have ever read or been told about such a situation. Many families find themselves in a similar situation after a taste of Conductive Education. They find a method which suits, a conductive upbringing, their child puts in tremendous efforts to achieve amazing successes, and on returning home the fight begins at school for it to be implemented in her daily life.

Read Kate Fruck’s posting for yourself. She describes it much better than I can.

A problem to be solved?

Readers of my blog will know that I think it is home and school visits after such camps that could make all the difference. I don’t know whether these were on offer after Cassie’s camp, maybe someone will let me know.

With the great distances thast some of these families travel I can imagine that this could be incredibly difficult to organise.

So what could be the answer?

How could this return to home and family life, with the return to school and to the various other therapies, be made less of a fight, made less distraught?

How can these various parties receive the information that they need in order for the child’s conductive upbringing to continue smoothly, for the child’s return to be such that child and family retain the new feelings of success and hope?

Is better communication a part of the answer? Could cyberspace technology help improve things?


This is the posting where I first refered to "Kate's Blog" -

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