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Sunday 21 July 2013

Art and movement keeps us fit

Fit and active adults

Last week I published my Abstract for a presentation that I will to give in Munich in October. It is about how I have always wished to work with people without a diagnosed disabilty, and how my work is evolving in this direction here in Nürnberg.

At the end of next week we take the next steps onwards and upwards when we offer the first in what we hope will be a series of twenty such sessions over the next year or two.

We are still waiting for confirmation that we will receive a grant from a charity that offers help for social projects but we are so positive of our application being successful that we decided to jump the gun and invite participants to another session. We thought that we should keep the enthusiasm going from our trial run earlier this year.

I have no idea how many clients we shall have but I am hoping for a full house like last time.

I cannot express with words the joy that I have when such new projects begin to take off, and with such commitment from fellow workers who are not conductors but just as committed to helping to provide an active lifestyle for all as my conductor colleagues are.

I hope that the enthusiasm for the work transforms into enthusiasm for my presentation. I have people waiting to read the draft through for me and another who will help me fit it all to the slides, Pecha Kucha style!

Previous postings about this can be read here –

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