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Sunday 21 August 2011

Are parents saving the day?

Yet again we hear about parents pulling together in an attempt to save the day 

Must it always be the parents who have to fight to keep their children’s groups alive? I know that the centres do their best but it is so often the case that it is only when the parents get up on the soap-box too that any notice is taken by the world outside Conductive Education, and perhaps some  alternative resources can be found.

Thank goodness for centres who involve families in the work so well that in an emergency they can be relied on to rally round to help in raising awareness and hopefully some money.

As it very often is in the conductive world it is the parents who stepped in at Heel and Toe to try to save the dyspraxia services from closing down. I really do hope that they succeed although in the present financial climate it will be very hard.

Surely we can hope that there are enough local businesses, or other groups of willing donators, who can raise the initial three thousand pounds needed to keep the group open. Once a service closes it is difficult to get it going again, preventing closure could give Heel and Toe a big enough buffer zone to get more fund-raising events organised. Good luck to you all. I hope that the dyspraxia service that you offer continues for a long time ahead.

I have provided regular conductive sessions for children with dyspraxia and have seen great developments taking place. Children have often developed enough to allow them to leave special education and attend mainstream school, some with and some without assistants. Some children have developed quickly, and soon enough not to attend special schools at all.

Some of these children continue to attend our afternoon conductive group. This group is especially for children who attend mainstream schools, and for their families and assistants, who all still need our conductive help to learn to solve the problems that their lives present them with.

Providing conductive services for children with diagnosis other than cerebral palsy is very important for the development of conductive services all over the world. I am always shocked to read or hear conductors, providers of CE and parents saying: “I know that Conductive Education is only for children with cerebral palsy but….”

 I always wonder, and if possible ask, where they received this information from. Conductive work of any kind is not, and I think was never intended to be by András Petö, and I for one was never taught that it is, only for children with cerebral palsy.

Conductive pedagogy can be applied to any situation where the client is not able to develop well using other methods of education and upbringing. Of course providing this service to all comers depends on the facilities and conductors available and what is realistically possible.

Having an established group at Heel and Toe that provides conductive services to children who have been diagnosed with dyspraxia is quite an achievement. I hope that the parents can convince enough people to help them to keep the service in exisitance. Yes, as I said above, I think it will be the local business men and woman, the local communities and generous individuals like the car-sharing Grandmother, who will save the day and not the local authorities. I would love to be proven wrong.

I hope that Heel and Toe suceed and I also hope that more providers of conduction take this as an example and open doors to people other than children with cerebral palsy


Andrew said...

No small surprise really that it is often down to families to have to rally round to save the day. After all, it has beem mainly families that have got CE centres going in the first place in the Western world.

A ray of hope for the future is that the world is changing and beginning to take active leads in establishing services for themselves.


Susie Mallett said...

Andrew, no I was not surprised either that it is the parents taking action yet again, they certainly have been the main stay when it comes to getting centres going, and it appears in keeping them going.

I am not sure what you mean when you say that "A ray of hope for the future is that the world is changing and beginning to take active leads in establishing services for themselves.

Could you please explain to me a bit more precisely what it is you mean when saying that the changing world is beginning to establish services for themselves.

Thank you.


Andrew said...

Oh dear, too fast a drafting and not enough checking!.

This sentence should read as follows:

'A ray of hope for the future is that the world is changing and conductors are beginning to take active leads in establishing services for themselves'.

I hope that this makes better sense. Thanks you for bringing me up over it.


Susie Mallett said...

Thank you Andrew, for explaining. I hope you are right, that certainly would be a ray of hope for the future.
