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Sunday 10 August 2008

School is out for Summer

As I so often say, I love my work, every day brings a different challenge.

Last week was the last for the conductive Tagesstätte before the summer break, school is out at last.

The children were with us for the whole day instead of just for three hours in the afternoons and I had been asked to join the team for the week. Having more time in the day meant not only could we do the conductive programmes but we also had time to do lots of fun stuff. For example we could cook ourselves a hearty breakfast to set us up for the day's adventures, such as being arty with our papier mache, cycling, story-telling and playing the famous five, singing English songs and painting.

The photos show just a few snippets from our days.


Tagesstätte: In Germany school finishes at lunch time for younger children, Tagestätte is the name given to the place where the children spend their afternoons, where they eat lunch, do their homework and may even have time to play.


Kotilehti said...


Very intyeresting, mavelick approach!
Thank you fro sharing!


Susie Mallett said...

There is nothing particularly maverick in my pedagogic activity. All conductors adapt their pedagogy to suit their personal teaching style, the needs of their clients and the opportunities of the situation. Being spontaneous is a great way of awakening interest and motivating activity in my clients.