Books, papers, posters
and colleagues
My new book! |
In 2010, during the weeks before the 7th
World Congress for Conductive Education that took place in Hong Kong, I
published several pre-congress postings on my blog.
Hong Kong 2010 |
With only a few days left before the 8th
World Congress there has been little said about it on my own Blog. I have already
published copies of my own abstracts and have mentioned my preparations for presentations,
posters and books, both my own and those of other people.
I was away from my practical conductive work
in Germany for five weeks and only two weeks ago I was thrown back into the
deep end with not only new children in our groups, which often also means new
parents, new school assistants and new schools, but also with last minute
preparations for the conference.
On the Monday of my return to Germany, my
latest publication arrived from the printer, the last decisions before printing
having been made, long-distance from England, a couple of weeks before. Six
copies have already been sold, but we need a few more sales, at the conference
and after, to balance the finances.
Every evening of the following week I was
busy, either proof reading my colleague Évi's wonderful Conductive Cookery book,
so that too will get to the printer on time, and also doing some last minute
translations for her, or designing my own or other colleagues’ posters.
In-between-times I was also translating the
odd sentence into English for other people who are preparing for the WCCE8 and
discussing a paper on Conductive Education with my friend who presented it
today at a completely different kind of meeting to people who know little about
I hope that my poster will arrive tomorrow. I
waited with excitement for the final design to appear in my email in-box so I
could press the all-clear button so that it could go off to the printer. All
that leaves for me to do apart from going to work every day is to read, re-read
and then read again my presentations. Making changes here and there and
finalising the layout so it will be ready for publishing here on my blog and in
a small publication with others.
I must also remember to send it off to the
Congress organisers, the simultaneous translators want to have copies in
Book IV in the Susie Mallett’s Conductive
Upbringing and Lifestyle series will contain all the abstracts of presentations
at the Munich Conference that I helped bring to fruition, either with the
writing, the translation, the proof reading or editing, or just the long
distance encouragement to take part – as with the two trainee conductors from
NICE, Birmingham, who I know are now very well prepared.
Be prepared
I realised quite a while
back that I would have to have all my writing, and publishing finished well in
advance of my trip to Munich. This was because I was expecting to have to lend my skills in the
English language, and perhaps also in condcutive upbringing and pedagogy, to my colleagues and I had long since decided that my own work
must be finished by the end of my summer with my Dad, so that I could give the others my
full attention.
Gardening with Dad, September 2013 |
How glad I am now that I did so, because
after a five-week break from being with children with runny noses it took just
five days before I caught something and I ended up cuddled up in a blanket,
with no voice, a bottle of medicine beside me and mug after mug of herbal tea
for chesty coughs and colds! I ended off the week with a migraine from which I was rescued by Évi and one of her friends who visited me after sending her book to the publishers. They fetched my medicine and made me tea and toast, in my opinion the perfect cure for a migraine!
Many days of sunshine
in Norwich
I enjoyed some lovely sunny weeks in England,
keeping fit doing lots of cycling, I got lots of exercise gardening in the
fresh Norfolk air, and enjoyed eating lots of fresh, home produce but the bugs
still got through my immune system. Something usually gets through just once in
the autumn but I hope that this is it and that it will have passed by October 9th
and my voice returns loud and clear.
I was able to do a little bit of correction
and editing while ill but I was not in a fit state to put two presentations together.
They were thankfully completed long ago and are on the floor in front of my
reading chair, opened ready for my at-least-once-daily practise performances.
I often wonder what the neighbours must think
now that I have begun to speak to myself everyday!
Despite the respite, or maybe because of it,
all seems to be going to plan as one by one things fall into place. My books are
here, Évi’s book at the printer, my poster design has been finished for a week
but it has not reached my hands yet and I am beginning to wonder where it is? Two colleagues’
posters where proof-read by me and sent for printing yesterday and a third will
go tomorrow.
Eight out of eight equals twelve
In Nürnberg there are now eight conductors
working in the various conductive centres of the Association for People with
Physical Disabilities. All eight of us are presenting either orally, with books, in poster-form or a combination of all three, at the World Congress. All of us and many more members of the
Association staff will be present, listening, talking, or working towards the
smooth running of the four-day event.
There is a coach trip from Nürnberg for
families who wish to attend the free Family Day activities on Saturday 12th October, with the
Association’s office workers busy organising this among others things including sending a mini-bus to our centre to collect all our boxes of books, posters, flyers etc. that we will be
displaying at the Association’s trade stand.
As one members of the Congress Organising
Committee said to me on Wednesday when we just happened to come in contact
on the phone – ‘we all have our own jobs to do’. It is the same here in Nürnberg and at
the top of that list of jobs is helping each other.
I have no idea exactly how many people are in
the Congress party from Nürnberg but I think if I include staff, presenters,
listeners, clients and families in the number, it will be well over thirty.
We are spread out in many different centres all over the city working on our own jobs. Next week we will come together and all see the fruits of each other's work. We are beginning to drop like flies but hopefully there will be no more illnesses before the big Congress begins.
PS. Some of the creatures that I met in the Norwich garden
It is wonderful that you and Evie have published books just in time for the congress. The more books there are on CE the better for all involved in it.
Could you let us have more information regarding titles, where to get them from and how much they are?
Thanks for reminding me Gill, I forgot about all the information that you need in order to purchase copies.
Both books, Evi's and George's/mine will be available at the Congress for 10 Euros each, as will my other two publications. All books can be ordered from me at - at ten euros plus p&p.
Evi's has just informed me that she will collect her Cookery Book from the printer on Tuesday morning. Now that really will be hot off the press! Place any orders with me and we will post them off to you.
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