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Saturday 26 October 2013

Conductive Education in Canada

Near Ely, September 2013

Conductive Education in Edmonton Canada

I received this announcement during the week from a family in Edmonton and was asked to pass it on to as many people as possible.

I am sorry about the delay in posting it, I hope that some people will still be able to make last minute arrangements to attend these sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to find out about Conductive Education. As well as the info-sessions there is also a pre-school conductive group running at the St Gabriel School until November 1st.

Demo and Talk Session
for families of children diagnosed
with neuro-motor disabilities

The Council of Edmonton for Conductive Education and Beyond (CE2B)

Is pleased to let you know that we are working to bring 
Conductive Education to Edmonton!

We are currently running a one-month pilot project which will end on November 1.

Members of our organization are always asked a lot of questions about Conductive Education and that’s why we have organized two Conductive Education Demo and Talk Sessions at St. Gabriel School, 5540, 106 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta.

                             Demo and Talk Session for Health Professionals                            
Tuesday, October 29th 10AM to 12PM

Conductive Education Demo and Talk Session for families of children diagnosed with        neuro-motor disabilities
 Wednesday, October 30th  6PM to 8PM

If you would like to attend a session or arrange a visit on another day more convenient for you, please RSVP by Friday October 25th, call or text Patrick at 780 242 8269

The Conductive Education Preschool class is running  
Monday to Friday, 8.30 AM to 1.30 PM   
St Gabriel School 5540 106 Ave NW Edmonton, Alberta

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