My visitors today

Saturday 26 April 2008


As well as being begeistert (excited) by my work I am also begeistert by my new flat.

The reason for the absence of new postings over the past week was due to intensive searching for the “dream home”, the “happy home” that András Petö suggested all conductors need to be successful in creating the happy, motivating, inspiring atmosphere essential for our work.

Now begins the time when I will not only be creative in building this atmosphere in my CE groups, which enables initiative to develop, encourages creativity and activity, and motivates towards achieving independence. I will also be working on creating something similar in my own home. An atmosphere where one is in touch with the Seele is essential for maintaining high expectations and hopes.

I will create a cosy kitchen, a “womanly” bedroom and a den, with one corner for curling up on the sofa with a glass of port, one for posting blogs and another full of books and arty things for my painting.

The flat is in an old brick-and-sandstone house, five storeys high. It has a thick, solid, wooden front door, a wooden staircase, brass door handles, high ceilings and the most wonderful Seele. I can imagine all sorts of scenarios which have taken place there in the distant past. Lots of inspiration for paintings.

The stress is of course still not over as the move still has to take place but at least I know which path I will be taking in the direction of the City! I now know where I will be creating András Petö’s “happy home”.

I will no longer be a “country bumpkin” living out in the sticks. I will recreate myself as a “woman about town”! With a two minute walk to the city walls and with streets around me full of cafes it is easy to imagine where future postings will be written, not just on trains where this and many others have been written!

The flat is a stone's throw from the theatre and the opera house, two of my favourite haunts. What more can I wish for? Well, maybe some fine weather would do for a start, because instead of my usual six-minute cycle ride to work I will now need thirty.
Hopefully, I shall soon be fit and suntanned in my happy home!

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