My visitors today

Monday 3 June 2013

I think it must have rained on St. Swithan’s day!

Boxdorf, 3rd June 2013
But wait a minute we have not got that far yet! 

I am still above water in case anyone is wondering, but the water was quite high this morning near to where I work, and it is still raining!

But elsewhere in the county the locals are experiencing something much different –

It is also very cold at the moment, only seven degrees today! It is colder than most of those winter months when my bike stayed in the cellar and it is damper now too. Another difference is that it does not warm up during the day like it does in those bright winter days when the sun comes up as there is no sun these days. It is seven degrees when I leave home at 7am and still the same when I come home at midday and when I come home at 7pm.

I have not missed a day of cycling since I got my bike out after Easter and despite all the rain I have not been wet once, but only because of my good protective clothing, not because of the weather!

I invested in some lovely cycling shoes last week. I have not had shoes make just for cycling since I was riding my racing bike in Budapest twenty-four years ago. I wore my new shoes this morning for the first time and it was bliss having my feet almost glued to the pedals not slipping at all. I quickly washed them as soon as I got home as they were no longer black but the colour of the soil around here, much like the colour of the water in the picture above.

When I stopped to take that photograph at around 2pm today another cyclist, a local, stopped beside me to watch the gushing water with me. He said that he had not experienced it quite that high before in his lifetime and I have not seen it so threatening either in the twenty years that I have been travelling along the same route. We were standing at a point, about 500 metres from work, where the cycle path crosses over an under path where pedestrians and cyclists can cross the road. A small Bach usually trinkles along beside it, but not today. Today there was a stream rushing underneath me, I could nolonger make out the bank between the Bach and the path. The path running beside the Bach towards the village was flooded as far as my eye could see. Tomorrow morning I will leave home a little earlier in order to take a detour so I can see for myself what is happening in the middle of our village. I do hope that I am not met with the scenes that many other people in the county are having to deal with right now.

The water is also playing havoc out on the fields. They are not flooded but they are water-logged which means the local market-gardeners cannot get their machinery out there to either pick or plant their produce. One year it is gigantic hail storms that destroy everything and the next it is boggy ground. What will it be next?


St. Swithan’s Day, 15th July 

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