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Thursday 7 February 2013


It was a doddle!

This certainly was not a doddle!
Budapest 1993, MH and SM

Yesterday I submitted my first abstract for the 8th World Congress for Conductive Education that will be held in Munich in October.

It may have been a doddle to submit it but, I admit, it was a bit more difficult to write!

I have been in England for a few days so this gave me some time, while travelling on trains, buses and planes, to think about it and get my thoughts into words, about 350 of them.

That is not much to write, so come one everyone get your thinking caps on and give us the pleasure of seeing your posters or hearing you speak.

My second one is almost completed and I am planning a third one with a co-author.

I received an ID number, it tells me that I am abstract number 3 so there needs to be a few more submitted before the closing date in April.

If anyone needs any help with the language I am willing to help so get in touch, but please not on the last days before the closing date!

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