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Sunday 28 October 2012

Sledges made for two

"Snowy skies in Hamar, Norway" December 2008

I woke up this morning to snow!

I had not smelt it coming and it continued all day leaving an icing sugar cover over cars and rooftops.

I do not remember, even in Nürnberg, experiencing snow as early as October, frosts at Halloween yes, but not snow. I heard today that parts of Britain have had a sprinkling too.

Despite the snow I am determined not to turn the heating on until November 1st which is a bank holiday here and I can make myself warm and cosy at home!

Winter draws on

When I perused a catalogue at work yesterday evening little did I know how appropriate the item that I photocopied, to give to members of my afternoon group, would turn out to be.

Even I had not smelt the snow coming, although I had commented as I travelled home with a friend that I thought we would be saying goodbye to the beautiful autumn leaves during the night.  It was not quite cold enough for all the leaves to drop but it was cold enough for snow!

Transport made for two

In the catalogue I had discovered a sledge made for two, one person seated while the other stands behind. It is possible to steer and apply the brakes in both positions.

A sledge made for two could be ideal for many of the children and their siblings in the families that I work with, we may just have to try one out.

Last year some of our children found a three-wheeler walker bike under their Christmas Tree, perhaps this year it will be a sledge.


"That two person sledge would have made life a lot easier here!"

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