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Thursday 2 August 2012

CE Conference in Rosenheim

 'Front Cover'

'A peep inside'

'Some of the contributors'

Book of proceedings

There was a nice surprise in my snail-mail post-box yesterday. I received the proceedings of the recent German Conductive Education Congress that was held in March 2012.

I have written before about what an impression the conference made on me and what an amazing job was done by the ‘family’ that was doing the organizing.

Yesterday I received more evidence of their good work in the form of an A4-size, glossy document that is about two centimetres thick.

The book is jam-packed full of information about the speakers at the conference, including their individual presentations and materials from their podium contributions.

It is well worth the twenty Euros that it cost me and will certainly be part of my summer reading, along with Enid Blyton’s The Folk of the Faraway Tree!

And a nostalgic read too

This Enid Blyton book was one of only two books that I read alone as a child, the other being Shadow the Sheepdog. I recently rediscovered the Folk of the Faraway Tree on my book shelf here in Germany, all battered and worn, and decided that it needs another airing. I read it only about twenty times as a child!

The memories, that are sure to be evoked while reading the children’s book, will fit together very well with the ‘family’ produced documentation about the ‘family’ produced conference in Rosenheim last March.

Congratulations to the whole team in the foothills of the Alps.


Petö und Inklusion, Kongress Rosenheim, Dokumentation zum Kongress, Freitag 9.3.12 und Samstag 10.3.12, Kultur-und Kongresszentrum Rosenheim

Enid Blyton (1946) The Folk of the Faraway Tree, London, George Newnes

Previous posting on the Rosenheim Conference

The Folk of the Faraway tree

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