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Friday 30 November 2012

Private integrated primary school in Inntal, Bavaria

One step at a time

In March this year, when I was at a conference in Rosenheim I spoke to the people involved in this conductive school project and first heard about their plans.

Later, in June, when I was attending a meeting in Vienna, I was told about the next steps and the progress that had already been made.

Today I received notification that the website is on line and the school will be opening in September

Congratulations to the whole team!

I look forward to hearing and reading about the next steps forwards.


Andrew said...

I should like to add for your readers that the the two-yearly German National CE conference, organised and hosted at Rosenheim, served to reinforce the public, parental, professional and political link between CE and inclusion (how different to what happened in for example the United Kingdom).

The contents of that conference were mainly in German, with some contributions in English. They are most most comprehensively documented on line:

Susie Mallett said...

Thank you, Andrew, for linking to this. Here is another link, on my own blog, about the congress and the documentation that you meantion here -