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Wednesday 13 July 2016

A happy weekend in Norfolk!

I had a nice chat with my sister on Sunday. Earlier in the day she had sent me some lovely photographs of the work in action in her garden.

Her husband had been searching the Net to discover the swing to beat all swings, one suitable, as he said, for the whole family. I think he meant for the grandchildren, and perhaps the two of them as well, I do not really think for a moment that he thought our Dad, who is coming up for his 90th birthday, would be game for a swing.

But, it was our Dad who had a go before the children even got a look in – 

here he is as seen from the kitchen window with a lovely grin on his face.

Dad took himself out to the garden while my sister made a cup of tea. She looked out of the window and there he was comfortably swinging away. He made it onto the swing all alone but needed a helping hand to get out.

The swing was found on a website for garden toys for children and adults with special needs. It is also just perfect for growing grandchildren and for their aging grandparents. I hope that Graunties will be allowed to take a turn too.

My sister is really good at feeding me information that she knows I will be excited about. It is not only the possibilities available when purchasing swings  that I get to hear about, she also gave me information about Sunday’s tennis at Wimbledon. Information that I had not read online where I was following Andy Murray’s progress in the men's singles final.

Prior to Andy Murray’s match the wheelchair men’s doubles final had been played on centre court and one of the winners is from Norfolk –

So there were more smiling faces in Norfolk on Sunday afternoon, not only in my sister’s garden. I expect Alfie Hewett’s family were just as joyous on seeing his success as we were sharing Dad’s smile while on the new swing.

Thanks to Sis for sharing snippets with me and bringing a smile to Dad’s face after a difficult week.


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